Hand Conditions That Require Surgical Solutions


Discover These Hand Conditions That Require Surgical Solutions


Our hands are complex examples of natural engineering. They are made up of a combination of bones, tendons, muscles, blood vessels, keratin and skin. We use them to hold, write, touch, grasp and create the world around us.

Sometimes, our hands can suffer injuries, diseases and conditions that require medical care. In such cases, we need to give them the best attention possible. Sometimes, we even require hand surgery.

This is an invasive, medical procedure that heals injuries, eliminates ailments and corrects disfigurement of the hands.

There are many conditions which require hand surgery. Read on to discover them and exactly what to expect during this type of procedure.

Various Hand Problems That Require Surgery

A number of conditions can affect our hands and require hand and wrist surgery to correct them. Examples of these conditions are:

• Tumors

• Cysts

• Carpal tunnel syndrome

• Cubital tunnel syndrome

• Arthritis

• Hand nerve entrapment

• Fractures & dislocations

• Ulnar Nerve compression

• Trigger Finger

• Tendon damage

• Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Descriptions Of These Conditions & What To Expect


  • Hand nerve entrapment

Our hands contain nerves. They are protected by a special material which covers them. If this material tightens, the nerves can get squeezed and damaged. This situation is known as entrapment. Through surgery performed by an Orthopaedic Hand Surgeon, this material can be loosened. After that, normal functioning of the nerves is restored.

  • Finger injuries

There are a number of conditions which can affect your fingers. An example of one is the trigger finger. This is where the tendons of your fingers become swollen and can no longer move smoothly. As a result, you can experience pain or popping when you move your fingers. Surgery can be used to reduce the tendons’ swelling.

  • Cysts and tumors in the hands

A tumor or a cyst is any group of cells that grows in an unusual way on the body. They can grow on the hands as well. An example of one is the ganglion cyst. Quite common, it grows on the upper or inner section of the wrist. This type of cyst normally gets filled up with fluid. As a result, it swells and applies pressure on the nerves. This causes you to feel pain. If the condition becomes chronic, surgery may be required to remove the cyst.

  • Arthritis

This is a condition where there is inflammation of the tissues which line the joints. It can cause your joints to get damaged, become painful and even swell. There are two main types of arthritis which affect the hands. They are rheumatoid thumb arthritis and osteoarthritis. They can be corrected using minimally invasive surgical procedures.

  • Fractures

Should you suffer a strong blow or excess pressure on the hands, they can experience fractures. This can result in broken bones, tendons, blood vessels and joints. Fractures cause pain and swelling on the hands. They can even cause your bones to shift and go out of place. In such a case, hand fracture surgery is required to correct the structure of your hands.

Reconstructive microvascular procedures are also applied to restore your blood vessels as well. By using items such as plates, screws and wires, an orthopedic surgeon can restore the normal working of your hands.


There are various harmful conditions which affect the hands. Some examples of these are indicated above. Should you experience the symptoms of any of them, seek medical care from a trusted doctor.